Downtown School Mock Election Results Are In

Mock Election 2014By Fiona, Ella, and Zakiya

On Election Day, Tuesday Nov.4th the Downtown School ran a mock election.

The students of Mrs. Arbogast’s and Ms. Donovan’s classes worked together to create committees in order to have the best election experience possible. Some of those committees were: scheduling, advertising, voter registration, voter check-in, media, and accounting.

One of our first duties was getting all of the students registered, so they could vote.

One committee scheduled the class voting times to correspond correctly with the classes’ schedule. We even had a committee whose job was to create all of our Voter ID cards! Another committee put up posters to get out the word about voting.

Media and the layout were two of our committees. Layout designed our voting space and booths. The media committee created an instructional video on how to vote.

Another person created the ballot we used during the election. The check-in committee checked in the voters and made sure they had their voter I-D cards. Finally, our accounting group compiled our school’s votes and our whole class created pie charts.

After all of these committees worked together, we were able to count every student at the Downtown School’s vote.

Here are our results: Governor’s Race-Hatch 55% to Branstad 44%. U.S. Senate Race-Ernst 30% to Braley 69% and finally the U.S. House Race-Young 46% to Appel 53%.

Even though there wasn’t a victory speech from the winning candidates “elected” by our school, this memory will stay with these students for years to come.


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