Thank you, Parent Teacher Assocation!
The staff and students would like to take this opportunity to thank the Downtown School PTA for their support this year. Through various fundraisers and opportunities, our parent group is working hard to update our library furniture, provide books for our school library, bookroom and classrooms, and fun opportunities for our families.
Over the past two years, the PTA has worked hard to raise money for our school library furniture. This year we were able to purchase new tables and chairs for students to use when working in the library. We were awarded a grant from the Des Moines Rotary Club to purchase the comfy furniture to match. The students love spending time in the library, a multi-purpose space for all of our students.
Our amazing PTA organized two Barnes and Noble fundraisers this year. Through the hard work of the PTA board and all families and friends who shopped the sale, we were able to collect $2,000 in gift cards for book purchases.
The PTA also organized two fun family events in January to encourage families to interact and become involved in our community in a variety of way. One event was family night at the downtown Panera. The second was a family movie night in the Central Campus auditorium. Everyone who attended these events enjoyed themselves.
Thank you for the continuous support of all of the Downtown School families.