Kindergarten JumpStart – A Message from Principal Burnett
We are excited you have chosen the Downtown School for your child to start their formal education!
In lieu of a “kindergarten round-up” the district has schools hold an event entitled, JumpStart.
This year the dates are Monday, July 29 from 12:00-3:00pm and Tuesday, July 30 from 8:00-11:00am. You should plan to have your child attend both sessions to allow our teachers to assess them and determine class placements.
Parents are encouraged to attend a short meeting with the principal from 12:45 to 1:15pm on Monday, July 29 in the Library.
Your child will do activities in each classroom, visit the playground, and see how breakfast / lunch are served, along with receiving a snack in the food serving area.
On Tuesday, we will have plenty of staff to help your child with arrival. So, if you want, feel free to pull in our circle drive, stop and drop off your child for the morning activities.
At our Back to School Night, you will find out who your child’s teacher is and visit the classroom – so mark Monday, August 5th on your calendar with the event happening from 4 to 6pm. You may also bring their ‘suggested school supplies’ so their first day of school will be a lot less stressful.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call us, 242-8422.
Rob Burnett, principal
Deb VanWaardhuizen, office manager